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A message from Cllr Pippa Graeme (Elected May 2023)

I am greatly honoured to have been elected as councillor and I take this opportunity to give my sincere thanks to everyone who cast their vote for me. 


I had not previously been involved in any electioneering but I must say that I really enjoyed meeting so many people when I was out canvassing.  Whether or not any particular resident was minded to vote for me, or to vote at all, the conversations were invariably good natured and there were worthwhile discussions about local issues and sometimes beyond purely the local. 


I am conscious that I was not able to call at every address nor always at a time when you were in but I do hope to speak to or meet many more people over time.  Needless to say, if you have concerns, or suggestions, about council affairs and services then let me know and I will be pleased to listen and help.  My email address is 


I have been busy familiarising myself with the workings of Elmbridge Council and feel I am already making a contribution on the committees I'm serving on.  I am very grateful for the support and guidance I have been receiving from council officers, Peter Harman and other councillors.  With this to help, I feel that I am rapidly getting up to speed and I look forward to working on your behalf as your representative.


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