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Cllr Pippa Graeme

"I have a strong belief that local communities are increasingly important and that people who can listen and advocate for what is right for the  community, independent of party politics, are needed more than ever"


  • passionate about improving Weybridge

  • focused on local concerns, as they affect our daily lives

  • committed to represent your view and what is important to you

  • determined to get results in your best interests

  • will bring strong business experience the role of EBC councillor

  • an active member of the community

  • an Independent councillor - representing all residents and local interests

  • representing you as a local Weybridge resident free from main stream political bias and interference.  Alongside your current Independent Councillor Peter Harman we will continue to advocate for you effectively



"I've been listening to many people in the ward and there is clearly a large range of concerns and priorities, but some crop up regularly.  These main recurring themes, and ones which I regard as important for so many of us, include the following and are ones which I will energetically pursue"


  • STRATEGY FOR OUR ROADS  Put pressure on Surrey County Council for better road management and road quality.  We all know that increasing traffic volumes throughout an unchanged road network leads only to congestion, air pollution and frustration.  Joined up thinking is needed, NOT mere tinkering.  Direct HGV traffic away from our B roads like Seven Hills, Brooklands Road, Heath Road & our High Street; invest in more effective layouts and controls at the many notorious junctions to ease and speed traffic flow.  For example the roundabout and junction which lead into Weybridge Station needs to be sorted out for once and for all.  Speed limit enforcement, 20mph zones and traffic calming measures need to be extended into many more side roads in the interests of safety and quality of life.


  • HEALTHCARE CENTRE  A recent consultation on proposals by NHS agencies for the Weybridge Health campus gives grounds for optimism that this major and essential facility is finally taking shape.  An anticipated timescale was for the planning application to be lodged in the winter and funding approval this summer but it is now spring and (as at the beginning of April) no planning application has been lodged.  It must not be allowed to drift or to become dependent on other plans for Weybridge High Street.


  • PARENTS AND CHILDREN  Maintain and improve facilities for parents and children.   The good news is that EBC has recently confirmed that the paddling pool will be open in Churchfields Park during the 2023 summer months.   There needs to be a better focus on making life easier and safer for parents and carers taking children to nursery and school.  The school run can produce real stress so anything which can make parking, drop off and collection easier will be of huge benefit.  Better safe parking space is needed at the roadside, very short term car park permits could be introduced and car sharing for parents who know each other should be made easier with the help of an official sponsored app.  For the benefit of children of all ages and their parents, our pavements must be properly maintained and crossing points increased and improved.  


  • THE HIGH STREET  Help to push forward initiatives which will bring further improvement and activity both to our town centre, and to Queens Road, so that they improve as a focal point for the community.  Thriving local enterprises and shops are essential to a prospering local community.


  • OVERDEVELOPMENT  Promote the Local Plan objectives of good quality new housing to meet the needs of the community whilst protecting the green belt.  New homes are needed but government policy has resulted in a very centralised approach to both the number and the type of new homes with little regard to local needs and conditions.  This may change and we need to take every opportunity to plan for the number, sizes and types of good quality new homes which will enhance our locality, not spoil it.  Infrastructure improvements to support additional housing (better roads, health services) must be included  these plans.  Our roads, and pavements, are clogged with parked vehicles and our Planning Department should be freed from “guidance” which results in new developments with insufficient off-street parking.


  • THE ENVIRONMENT  It is imperative that we create a cleaner, greener borough with less air pollution.  Support initiatives which improve the environment and our air quality.  We must make progress, with a sense of urgency, towards a greener/cleaner Weybridge.  Infrastructure to support electric vehicles should be high on the council’s agenda.​  â€‹


  •  Protect and improve our parks, open spaces and character of Weybridge.   An environment which enhances biodiversity, fosters wildlife and creates sustainable planted areas and green spaces free of hazardous chemicals.  The result?  Apart from anything else, better long-term health for us and future generations.  The Council needs to review constantly its policies, procedures and practices with this objective and encourage awareness amongst everyone.  Simple changes such as switching council sponsored planting schemes from annual to perennial plants will make a difference.


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