A big thank you to the residents who let us know about the massive amounts of litter and detritus in and around the car parks of the empty office buildings at the junction of Locke King and Brooklands Road, and all over the adjoining road (Bentley Drive)..
Some of the rubbish was pretty unpleasant, and could be clearly seen by passers by
We reported the problem to Elmbridge Environmental Health on Tuesday and by yesterday (Friday) the company who use the site had organised a team to clear the rubbish, and it was completed this afternoon.
As councillors Peter and I also wrote to the company in question, making our views about the state of the land crystal clear.
The area clearly should not have been allowed to get into this state in the first place. I met a rep from the Amazon management team who was on site this afternoon and I have been assured that they are taking measures to stop this from happening again. Having said that, we will be keeping a close eye on this site, and the areas and roads around it going forward.
A good example of an issue reported via the correct channels and dealt with quickly and efficiently.
Pippa and Peter.